Mack Morris Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Is It Time for a New Heat Pump?

Monday, May 18th, 2020

ductless-blowerYour heat pump system is built to provide you with reliable home comfort all year long. With that said, it can feel like a pretty big betrayal when this system stops doing its job. It can happen slowly, with some increasingly concerning noises and slow reduction in cooling power, or it can happen suddenly when your heat pump just stops responding. However it occurs, a heat pump that has stopped operating is one that likely needs to be replaced.

Heat pumps in Charlottesville, VA are necessary for keeping a home liveable so that if you need to upgrade your system, you don’t want to wait. If at all possible, you probably want to get a fair warning before your system goes kaput. We have some tips on how to tell it may be time for a heat pump replacement so you don’t have to sweat your summer away.

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What Are Your Cooling Options?

Monday, May 4th, 2020

fanWhen you have rain one day and high heat and humidity the next, it can make determining which HVAC system to focus your attention on a little complicated. However, we want to make sure to draw your attention to your air conditioner because the temperatures are only going to go up in the coming weeks and you don’t want to be stuck without a cooling system.

Maybe you’ve been using a window unit AC, or you’ve been relying on a small army of fans to keep you cool. We all know this just won’t cut it in the long run, especially when the heat and humidity reach their peak in the summer season. That is why we want to focus on the “A” of HVAC in Charlottesville, VA because it is referring to air conditioning. And when it comes to choosing effective air conditioning systems for your home, we believe you deserve to know what your options are.

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Have You Scheduled AC Maintenance Yet?

Monday, April 20th, 2020

service-timeIt probably seems a little strange to be talking about the air conditioning system in your home right now, especially because you may not have shut down your heating system yet. It has been pretty chilly and wet lately, but we’ve had some hints of warmth and springtime in the air and those shouldn’t be ignored.

See, even though it hasn’t been hot, now is that time that you want to start thinking about your air conditioning maintenance. Why? Because getting this service done now for your air conditioning in Charlottesville, VA is going to save you a lot of trouble and money later this summer.

With that said, we wouldn’t expect you to schedule this service without knowing how it can help you and your AC system. To help, we have provided some key information on what maintenance is and how it benefits you.

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If You Haven’t Yet, It Might Be Time to Check Your Filters

Monday, April 6th, 2020

filter-ductThere are several factors that will affect your air conditioning system’s ability to function effectively and efficiently throughout the hotter months of the year. From loose parts to air leakages, unaddressed issues will have a negative effect on your AC’s ability to keep you comfortable.

Even if you are a careful and diligent individual who makes sure to keep their eyes and ears peeled for the smallest problems with their cooling system, there is a chance you may miss this problem. All too often, residents around Charlottesville forget to change out their air filters, never realizing how big of a problem it can create.

Let’s take a moment to look at why your air filter is so important and why you may want to schedule an HVAC service in Charlottesville, VA to get it cleaned or replaced.

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Choosing an AC System That Works Best for You

Monday, October 21st, 2019

ductless-blowerDid your current air conditioner break down? Or are you moving into a new home and want to get an AC system that works best for you?

Whether you are in the market for a new air conditioning unit voluntarily or by necessity, having to decide on what to get can be a little tough. Should you go with a traditional central air conditioner, a ductless mini split, or a heat pump? And what the heck is a dual fuel system?

Don’t worry—you aren’t alone in this journey. The team at Mack Morris  Heating & Air Conditioning is here for you and we can give you the information you need to decide what type of cooling system will best meet your needs.

For guidance, please read on. If you already know what you want to go for, contact us at any time!

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When to Call It Quits on Your AC Unit

Monday, October 7th, 2019

AC-topviewLet’s say that when you moved into your current home it came with a new air conditioning unit. You have relied on this system time and again to keep you safe from sweltering summer weather. It is almost like a part of your family in a way. This can make the decision to replace your AC a little harder than normal. However, this is a necessary choice you will need to make.

We know that replacing your cooling unit is harder on your wallet than on your emotions. It is a costly decision. This is why we want you to be able to make the informed choice about when your AC needs to be retired so you know the expense is justified.

When the time comes for a new air conditioner, make sure you call the professionals at Mack Morris Heating & Air Conditioning to learn what your options for a new unit are. In the meantime, keep reading to learn when to call it quits on your cooling system.

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What The Heck Is That Sound Coming From My AC?

Monday, September 23rd, 2019

Birds chirping, bees buzzing, rain pouring, and waves crashing are all sounds that we like to hear. But sadly, there are plenty of sounds that most of us hate: construction at 7 a.m., alarm clocks, nails on a chalkboard, and oh, of course, all the possible strange noises that might come from your air conditioner.

You see, your air conditioner is not inherently noisy. In fact, the only sound you should ever hear coming from your system is the sound of air gently whooshing through the vents. Therefore, if you hear anything, you know, anything that doesn’t quite qualify as “background noise,” it’s definitely time to call in a pro for air conditioning repair in Charlottesville, VA.

Below, we have listed some of the noises you definitely don’t want to hear coming from your AC. Keep reading to find out more.

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Your Most Common AC Repairs

Monday, August 26th, 2019

Here’s the thing: things happen! And when something’s wrong with your air conditioner, it can seem like the end of the world, as an AC in disrepair can leave you feeling pretty uncomfortable! And if that wasn’t enough, a broken AC can leave you with an empty wallet, too! Surely then, the best thing you can do is call for professional air conditioning service in Charlottesville, VA.

There are a number of things that can go wrong with your air conditioner, and below, we’ve listed some of them for you. All you’ve got to do is keep reading to find out more, and of course, remember to call for repairs at the first sign of trouble!

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How Can You Tell That Your AC Is in Good Hands?

Monday, August 12th, 2019

When the time comes to schedule your air conditioning services, you want to be absolutely certain that you’ve hired a professional for the job, whether that be for an installation, a replacement, some repairs, or a maintenance visit.

But, here’s the thing: what separates a qualified HVAC technician from just a plain, old handyman? You’d be surprised to find out that many homeowners don’t quite understand the difference. So, for your convenience, we have listed some of the tell-tale signs that you’ve found yourself a pro. Keep reading below to find out more.

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Help! My AC Keeps Turning On and Off!

Monday, July 29th, 2019

On, off, on, off! It seems like a never-ending cycle! And although this issue may seem more annoying than anything, it is actually quite a BIG problem. It’s called short-cycling, and it is perhaps the worst enemy of air conditioners all over the country! Why? Because not only will it increase wear and tear on your AC, but it will also leave you with an empty wallet as your cooling costs start to rise!

Here’s the thing: many homeowners don’t really understand what short-cycling is and why it might be happening, so below, we have outlined some of the reasons why your system might be short-cycling. That way, you can avoid the issue altogether! All you’ve got to do is keep reading to find out more. (And of course, remember to schedule your HVAC services in Charlottesville, VA with us!)

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