Mack Morris Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Short Cycling’

Help! My AC Keeps Turning On and Off!

Monday, July 29th, 2019

On, off, on, off! It seems like a never-ending cycle! And although this issue may seem more annoying than anything, it is actually quite a BIG problem. It’s called short-cycling, and it is perhaps the worst enemy of air conditioners all over the country! Why? Because not only will it increase wear and tear on your AC, but it will also leave you with an empty wallet as your cooling costs start to rise!

Here’s the thing: many homeowners don’t really understand what short-cycling is and why it might be happening, so below, we have outlined some of the reasons why your system might be short-cycling. That way, you can avoid the issue altogether! All you’ve got to do is keep reading to find out more. (And of course, remember to schedule your HVAC services in Charlottesville, VA with us!)

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