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Mack Morris Heating & Air Conditioning Blog

Your Heater Shouldn’t Make These Sounds

When you run your heating system, do you notice that it has started to become noisier than it used to be? Yes, the whoosh of warm air flowing through the system is still present, but there are some new and somewhat concerning noises to accompany it. This isn’t good, but thankfully it is a solvable issue.

A system that has begun to create a ruckus while in operation is one that needs heater repair in Charlottesville, VA. If this is happening with your system, we have good news! We can provide the heating system repairs that address the noise and get them to stop. Read on to find out which sounds should alert you to a problem in your heater.

5 Problematic Noises From Your Heater

Here are some of the sounds that you don’t want to hear coming from your heater.

  1. Rattling: Hearing a rattling noise from your heater is often an indicator there may be a loose part inside of the system. Don’t leave this noise to get worse! Rattling will turn into a clanging when that loose part breaks free and starts to bounce around your heating system, causing even more damage.
  2. Buzzing: A buzzing or humming noise is going to indicate an electrical problem within your system. You may have frayed wires or a system that is starting the overheat. The sooner you take care of this, the better off you’ll be because you may end up with tripped circuits or even a fire risk.
  3. Clicking: Clicking may be normal at the beginning of a heating cycle but, beyond this, it is a sign of a problem. Clicking can indicate a heater that is trying to start the heating cycle even after it is already in process. This requires repairs before it creates bigger issues.
  4. Hissing: Whether you have a heat pump or a furnace, hissing is bad news. In the best-case scenario, hissing may indicate leaking ductwork. Otherwise, hissing might indicate a refrigerant leak in a heat pump or a gas leak in a furnace. A hissing heater is one that requires repairs ASAP.
  5. Screeching: Does it sound like your heater is, well, screaming at you when it is running? If so, what you are hearing is that your heater has a problem that needs repairs. Mainly, you may have a motor belt that needs lubrication or a fan blade on the verge of breaking.

As you can see, there are plenty of noises that you don’t want to hear from your heating system. The main thing that you should hear from your heater is the whoosh of hot air being blown into your home. Aside from this, new and concerning sounds are well worth a call to a professional technician. A technician can identify the main source of the problem and address it promptly so you can enjoy a warm home without the noise again.

Contact Mack Morris Heating & Air Conditioning to schedule your repairsWe can’t control the weather outside of your home, but we can control the weather inside your home.

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