Mack Morris Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for April, 2022

What Short Cycling Means in Your AC

Monday, April 18th, 2022

fanYour air conditioner should run for a good length of time in order to cool your home. But what happens if and when your air conditioner seems unable to get the job done?

It is going to be a problem when your AC isn’t able to complete a full cooling cycle. And don’t be fooled: shortened cooling cycles aren’t a sign that your system is just getting better at what it’s doing. The truth is that short cycling (that is what it is called) is a sign that something is wrong with your AC system.

We’re giving you all the info you need on short cycling so you know when it is affecting your AC and why you should call us about it.

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5 Signs Your AC Needs Repairs

Monday, April 4th, 2022

Things are our area haven’t exactly heated up the way they would during the summer just yet. That said, this makes now an even better time to take care of any air conditioner repair in Charlottesville, VA that has presented itself.

While it may still feel a little early in the year, getting AC repairs addressed as early as possible is always a good decision. This prevents these from escalating and causing a system breakdown when the heat actually hits.

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