Mack Morris Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for April, 2021

Choosing a New Air Conditioner

Monday, April 19th, 2021

Are you fed up with the warm airflow of your air conditioner? Is your bank breaking with the constant visits of the repairing team?

If any of this sounds like you, you may need a new air conditioner. Getting a new air conditioner may be a hassle if you’re new to this. However, you can read this article to avoid the hassle.

Here are the basics of what you need to know before buying a new air conditioner:

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Is It Time for a Furnace Upgrade?

Monday, April 5th, 2021

Winters have just rolled around, and you may be wondering why it is chiller indoors even though you have the heat going. You may ask yourself questions, such as: “Is my furnace working properly?” and “Is it time for a furnace upgrade?” Today, we will educate you on the signs that signal a faulty furnace.

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