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Mack Morris Heating & Air Conditioning Blog

Why Your AC Filter Is So Important

man-with-filterThere are plenty of different parts that play a vital role in the operation of your air conditioner. While some parts are a bit more vital to the system, there are others that end up being undervalued for the role they play. We find that the air filter is often in this underestimated category.

The air filter in your air conditioner serves to protect the internal workings of your system. It might not seem like much, but the dirt and debris that it captures could easily have a catastrophic impact on your AC. Read on to discover why your air filter is so important and what can happen when you neglect it.

What Your Air Filter Does

Your air filter doesn’t move. It just sits there. But while it just sits there, it does do something. That something is capturing airborne dust, dirt, pollen, and other particles and keeping them out of your air conditioner. This is very important because if all that debris got into your system it would create a lot of problems such as clogging up motor bearings and coating the evaporator coil.

You Need to Pay Attention to the Air Filter

It seems like your air filter is the part that would need the least attention from you, and yet it is the one that requires it the most. Why? Because this is the one part of your air conditioner that you can help take care of! Other parts of your AC do need care but these are best left in the hands of a professional.

So, why pay attention to your air filter? Because over time it can get dirty (shocker). By dirty though we mean really dirty—all that debris can take a nice clean white filter and turn it gray. While this is a less than pleasant thought, it can be reassuring to know you can help address this. All you need to do is check on your air filter and change it out every one to three months.

Have a reusable filter? Don’t throw it out! Instead, follow the directions that the filter provides to clean it off and then slip it back into place. This should also be done every few months.

Regular AC Maintenance Makes a Difference

Your air filter may not be as vital to the cooling process as, say, your refrigerant, but it still plays an important role. Make sure it gets the care it needs to help keep your AC in optimal condition.

But what if you aren’t comfortable with changing your filter or you don’t know what type you have? That’s okay! We can help. We check, change, or clean filters as a part of your annual air conditioning tune-up in Charlottesville, VA. All you need to do is schedule your tune-up and we will take care of your filter and a lot more.

Contact Mack Morris Heating & Air Conditioning today. We can’t control the weather outside of your home, but we can control the weather inside your home.

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