Mack Morris Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for November, 2021

5 Signs Something Is Wrong With Your Heater

Monday, November 15th, 2021

dog-under-blanketLet’s say you’ve had a full day at the Carter Mountain Orchard picking some great autumn goodies to eat and you are ready to relax at home when you return. You’ve spent a majority of the day outdoors and, while your sweater is warm, it will be nice to heat up a bit more easily inside of your home. At least, that’s the goal. But what if your heater has other plans?

We are still at a time of year when the cooler weather is somewhat moderate. This means that it is best to knock out a heater repair in Troy, VA that pops up now, before things get any colder and strain your system more. Watch out for these signs that something is wrong with your heater so you can have a technician fix things up. That way, when you return from your orchard outing, you are guaranteed the comfort you need.

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Smelling Gas? Here’s What To Do

Monday, November 1st, 2021

It’s the time of year when our air conditioners have been put to bed for a while and our heating systems are taking over the comfort needs of the home. If you have a gas furnace in Ruckersville, VA, this means your heating needs are in good hands: gas furnaces today are more effective and efficient than ever before.

It doesn’t mean they don’t run into trouble though. Gas furnaces will likely see their fair share of repair needs over the course of their lifespans. The most vital of these is repairs is to fix a cracked heat exchanger. Let’s discuss why a bad heat exchanger problem is something to address as quickly as possible—and what to do if you start smelling gas before you call in a technician.

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