Mack Morris Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for July, 2021

Your Thermostat May Be Causing Your Comfort Troubles

Monday, July 26th, 2021

finger-on-thermostatIt is frustrating to discover that you can’t keep your home comfortable on a hot day. You have a central AC or heat pump specifically because you want to be able to keep your home cool when temperatures outside are too high. It makes sense that you’d feel upset when this system fails you.

Sometimes the issue lies with your air conditioner, but other times you may actually need a thermostat repair in Charlottesville, VA. Your thermostat is responsible for providing instructions to your air conditioner to cool the home off so if something goes wrong with this Control Center, it’s will negatively affect your comfort.

Let’s look at some of the signs that you may have a thermostat in need of repair so you know when to reach out for professional service.

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What You Should Know About Energy Recovery Ventilatiors

Monday, July 12th, 2021

After spending days or weeks on end cooped up indoors with the AC running, you may notice that the air in the house gets a little stale. You aren’t imagining this sensation: overly filtered air can be uncomfortable, even if it is cool. Logic says that you can solve this issue by opening a window and letting some fresh air in—but if the air outside is swelteringly hot and humid, doing so can ruin your comfort.

So how can you address this problem? The best solution is to look into options for a system that can improve your indoor air quality in Charlottesville, VA without ruining your temperature control. We have just the thing for you: an energy recovery ventilator.

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