Mack Morris Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for November, 2018

Skip the Portable Humidifiers

Monday, November 19th, 2018

It’s time for an upgrade.

When you heat your home in the winter, do you move a few space heaters throughout the house on a rotating schedule? When you cool your home, are you lugging window unit air conditioners up and down stairs throughout the house each year? No, of course not. While these portable comfort systems have their uses in, say, small apartments or dorm rooms, a whole-house HVAC system is obviously the better option.

So, why are you filling up portable humidifiers with water and only humidifying certain areas of your home? Especially when our team is here to outfit your home with a whole-house humidifier in Charlottesville? With a whole-house humidifier, you are going to enjoy many benefits that your portable humidifier units simply cannot match. Just remember that these systems, like any other whole-house system, need to be professionally installed and serviced. It’s not a job that you can handle on your own. Reach out to our staff to take advantage of a whole-house humidifier in your home.

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Get a New Thermostat—AND a Hundred Bucks Back!

Tuesday, November 13th, 2018

finger-on-thermostatWe know, we know. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is, right? Well, that may usually be the case. We’ve never steered you wrong before, though, and we encourage you to take advantage of this great offer. How often is it that the city pays you? Charlottesville is ready to do just that, and all they ask is that you invest a bit in your home. More specifically, in greening up your home!

If you’re heating your home with natural gas, the city of Charlottesville wants to give you $100 toward the purchase and installation of your very own programmable thermostat. These devices allow you greater control over the way in which you heat your home, helping you to save money and energy while actually living more comfortably! To qualify, you must:

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Yes, You Need Heating Repairs

Monday, November 5th, 2018

dog-under-blanketWhen winter hits in Virginia, you don’t want to be counting on an old, unreliable heater to keep you and your family warm. While we may not be setting country-wide records for most frigid winter temperatures, it gets more than cold enough to put a lot of strain on our heating systems throughout the winter season. That is why the right time to schedule any necessary heating repairs is the moment that you suspect there is a problem to begin with.

Or, at least, the moment after you rule out any obvious causes of the problem(s) that you can fix yourself. While we want to stress that actual heating repairs demand the attention of a professional HVAC contractor in Crozet, VA, there are some issues that can cause trouble but which are not really problems requiring professional attention. We want you to understand the difference between them, and some common causes of heating issues to begin with. So read on!

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