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Mack Morris Heating & Air Conditioning Blog

Portable Air Purifier vs. Whole-House Air Purifier—We Think the Choice Is Clear!

If you’re interested in improving the indoor air quality of your home, you may be interested in an air purifier. But, should you buy a small portable unit or invest in a whole-house air purifier? 

Unless you live in a very small space, a whole-house air purifier is definitely the way to go. If you want to schedule air purifier service in Troy, VA, give our team a call. In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn more about why a whole-house air purifier is so beneficial.

Benefits of an Air Purifier

First, let’s talk about the benefits of an air purifier in general. Both whole-house air purifiers and small, portable units work very similarly. They filter micro particles out of the air that would not otherwise be captured by the air filter in your air conditioning unit. Air purifiers are designed to remove anything harmful from your air including viruses, bacteria, chemicals and even odors.

Some air purifiers work by using a heavy duty filter to capture particles, preventing them from passing through. Other purifiers use UV lights to deactivate particles and neutralize them so they no longer pose a threat to your family’s health and well being. Air purifiers are great because they lessen the likelihood that you will get sick.

If you suffer from allergies, they can also help to filter out allergens like pollen and pet dander so you can breathe easily while you are at home. After all, the indoor air quality of your home may be up to five times more polluted  than the air outside.

The Whole-House Difference

The difference in a whole-house air purifier is convenience and effectiveness. A small, portable air purifier can only clean so much air. You may be left moving it from room to room while never achieving the indoor air quality results that you desire.

A whole house air purifier gets installed inside of your air conditioning unit so that all air passes through it before blowing into your home. It’s a great way to ensure the air across your entire home is clean and free from pollutants and germs without having to give it any extra thought.

Maintenance Tips

The only maintenance you have to complete for your air purifier is changing the filter or UV light once per year. Our team can help with this during your regularly scheduled annual air conditioning maintenance. During this appointment, we can also check your air purifier to make sure it is in good condition without any problems.

We can’t control the weather outside of your home, but we can control the weather inside your home. The team at Mack Morris Heating & A/C is here to help with indoor air quality, so schedule your appointment today.

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