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Mack Morris Heating & Air Conditioning Blog

Don’t Force an Unprepared Heater Back Into Action

furnace-technicianWhew, you may be thinking, that chill is getting stronger—the heater is going to be back in regular rotation before long.  Good thing it was in such good shape at the end of last heating season. Now it will be ready to jump right back into it this, right?

Not. So. Fast.

If you want to heat your home effectively and reliably this winter—and why wouldn’t this be the case—then it is very important that you schedule professional heating maintenance in Charlottesville, VA, before putting the system back into use.  No,  it does not matter if the system was fine when you last used it. After all, maintenance and repairs are two very different things.

Below, you’ll learn some facts about why routine heating maintenance is not just necessary, but so beneficial to you. Remember, good enough is not good enough when it comes to heating, and the fact that your heater is up and running does not mean that it is running as well as possible!

You Pay Less…

We like to lead off with this one for two reasons. First, because money talks. People are more inclined to pay attention to our tips when we tell them, and truthfully so, that the discussed service can save them money. And, secondly, because a common argument against maintenance is the old “don’t fix what’s not broken” logic.

That logic is inherently flawed, though, because the whole point of preventative maintenance is to ensure that your repair needs are as few and far between as possible. If a small investment in our maintenance plan not only means savings through improved energy efficiency but also that you’ll be paying for fewer repairs, that money argument really goes out the window fast.

…for a Better Performance…

Not only can you pay less to heat your home with a well-tuned heating system, but you can actually enjoy a better performance from your heating system even as you watch those costs associated with running your heater drop. Paying less for more is one of the best feelings in life, especially when the expense is for a necessity like heating your home.

Sure, you can save money by keeping your home cool enough to verge on discomfort. Why would you do that, though? With routine heating maintenance, you get the best of both worlds—comfort and efficiency!

…from a System that Lasts Longer!

You know what’s a lot more expensive than annual heating maintenance? Replacing a heater. And nothing is worse than the feeling of replacing a heater prematurely and knowing that it would have lasted longer if you had given it the maintenance that it really needs to succeed.

Is routine heating maintenance going to make your heater last forever? No. And it won’t completely eliminate the risk of operational problems, either. However, it will help your system to give you the best performance possible for as many years as possible. And that, we believe, is a level of performance quality worth investing in.

Schedule your heating maintenance with Mack Morris Heating & Air ConditioningWe can’t control the weather outside of your home, but we can control the weather inside your home.

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