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Mack Morris Heating & Air Conditioning Blog

You Need to Have Pros Repair Your AC: Here’s Why

You can do a quick search online for just about anything these days and find a tutorial for a DIY project. However, we caution you against attempting any DIY repairs to your air conditioner. In fact, working on some of the components like refrigerant lines and electrical connections may actually be illegal because they require a specific certification.

When you need air conditioning repair in Crozat, VA, skip the DIY tutorials and give our team a call instead. We are always here to help. You can keep reading to learn more about why it is so important to have a professional work on your air conditioner.

Role of Homeowner Care

First, we do want to address the importance of your role as a homeowner in caring for your air conditioner. There are some steps that you can take to complete maintenance on your air conditioner. You change out the filter each month, you rinse the condensate drain line with vinegar, and you even hose down the outdoor unit when it gets dirty. But, that is where you should draw the line at DIY AC care. Anything else that needs to be done to your air conditioner requires a professional. 

Why You Need an Expert

You may not even be into DIY projects. Maybe you have a well-meaning friend, neighbor, or family member who offers to help when you mention that you’ve been having AC troubles. However, unless they are licensed and certified, kindly decline their offer for help. 

There’s a good chance that they don’t know as much about air conditioners as they claim to. Additionally, you run the risk of voiding your manufacturer’s warranty if they attempt to work on the AC. If anything else goes wrong with your air conditioner in the future, even if it is unrelated to what has happened now, DIY repairs will void your warranty completely.

There are laws in place to protect homeowners that require certain certifications in order to qualify for working on air conditioning systems. We know that it can seem like you have the potential to save money if you complete a DIY repair or seek out a friend’s help, but the savings are not worth the risk. If something goes wrong, you will still have to give our team a call and schedule a repair—only now it may be even more expensive.

Even if nothing goes wrong, if you ever sell your house in the future, a home inspection may turn up that repairs were completed without the proper permits and certifications. If this happens, you may have to have the work redone anyway, leading to additional costs.

We can’t control the weather outside of your home, but we can control the weather inside your home. The team at Mack Morris Heating & A/C is here to help with AC repairs so schedule your appointment today.

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